Tag Archives: staff ed

Where Does the City’s Soul Lie?

In an article released by the San Francisco Chronicle last week, USF and Foghorn alumnus Carl Nolte wrote about the ongoing concern that San Francisco is losing its “soul.” At a time when housing prices in the city are making national headlines and the family Mexican restaurant down the street has shuttered its doors to a five-dollar espresso bar, it is crucial to understand what San Francisco’s “soul” really is in the first place.

The city caters to a wide variety of people; what the city means to a student here at the University means something entirely different to an elderly woman who has lived in the Mission District for 35 years. In fact, defining the character of a city is a daunting task, but it is important to first sift through what exactly makes up San Francisco, and whether the city will encourage the growth of accessory over necessity.

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Join Your Campus Newspaper

Staff Editorial

We, the staff of the SF Foghorn, would like to solemnly urge our writers and readers to engage with their school paper. Our staff consists of students from a wide variety of majors, from media studies to computer science, and despite our different fields of study, we can all of think of different ways the paper has played an important role in time here at USF. Engaging with on-campus, student-run media outlets is an important part of the college experience and we could only think of a very long list of reasons why. Continue reading Join Your Campus Newspaper

Paid Parental Leave For All

Staff Editorial

San Francisco became the first city in the United States that will provide six weeks of paid parental leave to both mothers and father of straight and same-sex couples, and to anyone who births or adopts a child. This new law will become effective beginning January 1,2017 for companies with more than 50 employees. The existing policy regarding parental leave, before this new ordinance was signed into law on April 5, dictated that employees were eligible to receive 55 percent of their salary for up to for up to six weeks as part of California’s Paid Family Leave program. Continue reading Paid Parental Leave For All

The Criminalization of Race: Airline Edition

Staff Editorial

26-year-old U.C. Berkeley student Khairuldeen Makhzoomi was recently removed from a Southwest flight for speaking Arabic on the phone. He called his uncle right before the plane took off to tell him about a dinner he attended at the Los Angeles World Affairs Council and was able to ask Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon a question about the Islamic State. He also mentioned that chicken was the main entree. Continue reading The Criminalization of Race: Airline Edition

SF Raises Tobacco Purchase Age to 21

Staff Editorial

On March 1 San Francisco City Supervisors unanimously voted to change the legal age to purchase tobacco products from 18 years of age to 21. Boston, New York City, and the state of Hawaii have already raised the minimum age for tobacco sales to 21. Supervisor Scott Wiener, who took the lead on passing this piece of legislation, argues that this will help dissuade those under the age of 21 from becoming lifelong smokers. Opponents of the new law, largely tobacco industry members, argue that California law, which has an age minimum of 18, should overrule any municipal law regarding the issue. However, unless California state law wants to step in, the change will go into effect on June 1 of this year. Continue reading SF Raises Tobacco Purchase Age to 21